Please contact BETHANN.MILLER@MVSDSCHOOLS.ORG to learn more about our vacant part-time positions with flexible hours $18 - $28/hr depending upon experience.
SPRING SESSION BEGINS MARCH 10TH - See your school's info below.
What We Do
The MVSD After School & Summer Programs are free for students in the towns of Swanton, Franklin, and Highgate grades 1 - 12. We are funded through a Vermont Agency of Education 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, as well as additional grants, fundraising, and the school budget. Students have access to fun hands-on opportunities throughout the year that focus on math, science, literacy, creative arts, fitness, community service, mentorship, etc. We complement the school day by creating safe and inspirational environments after school, complete with bus transportation, meals, and customized high-quality programming. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Our Mission
To help children and teenagers of all backgrounds thrive and become successful, happy, informed citizens. We aim to create and expand opportunities for all students to engage in leadership development; creative enrichment; healthy lifestyle and fitness choices; social awareness; workforce skill-building; and hands-on experiential academic support.
Interested in working with us? Have an idea for a program? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to the District Director, Beth Ann Miller.