Highgate After School Programs

a smiling student sits on the sidewalk next to sidewalk chalk artwork on a sunny day

Highgate Coordinator: Ellen Lamos (ellen.lamos@mvsdschools.org)


Highgate Crossroads Spring Session 25 template draft (1).pdf
Highgate Explorers Spring Session 25 template draft (1).pdf

Highgate Crossroads & Explorers 

Highgate Explorers Programs are for 1st - 3rd graders. 

Highgate Crossroads Programs are for 4th - 6th graders.

Spring Session 2025

For 1st - 6th graders

March 10 to June 5


Click on the flyer to learn about more about our programs.  

See Class Descriptions Below.

Spring Registration for Highgate is now closed. Please email Ellen Lamos to check on program availability and be added to the waitlist.

Highgate Explorers Class Descriptions

Spring Session 2025 - March 10 to June 5 for Grades 1-3


-BEADS, BEADS, BEADS: Miss Brooklyn will have a variety of beading projects. You will be sure to have a beauty to take home with you!  Perler beads, bracelets, necklaces and more!

-ART & MORE!: Ms. Erin will be doing a little bit of everything, sometimes you will have a structured art activity and other times you will be given materials to explore.  Bring your imagination because you will need it!


-GAME SHUFFLE: Game time can be so much fun.  Join your friends and pick a game of choice to have an amazing afternoon.

-CREATE & BUILD: PROP PRODUCTION: Want to help Highgate Actors’ Theater with their Spotlight show?  You will work as a team to make the props for the entire show.  Bring your creativity and your helping hearts.

-HIGHGATE ACTORS’ THEATER (GR 2-6):Ms. Ernie will be ready for you yet again for another fantastic Spotlight Production!  Join and find out all the fun that can be had. MUST attend both Tuesdays and Thursdays.


-BRAINY MATH GAMES: Ms. Erin will be testing your brains on your number knowledge.  Fun math games and puzzles to solve.  Bring your thinking caps!

-JEWELRY MAKING (GR 3-6): Ms. Steph will be taking suggestions for projects along the way, but her plans are so exciting for pieces you can wear for years to come.

-STEM CHALLENGES: There will be some cool building challenges to complete in this class and experiments you will want to tell others about.  Bring your mind and your working hands and be ready to dig into some cool STEM activities.


-CHILLIN’ INTO SPRING: Mrs. Nielsen will have some games planned for those that choose to participate or just come and just plain chill out after a long day at school.

-ART EXPLORATIONS: Art can be explored in so many different ways.  During this time you will explore different ways to make masterpieces!

-HIGHGATE ACTORS’ THEATER (GR 2-6):Ms. Ernie will be ready for you yet again for another fantastic Spotlight Production! Join and find out all the fun that can be had. MUST attend both Tuesdays and Thursdays.

-BOOKS AND MORE: Join our new Highgate Public Librarian for a read aloud and craft with a new theme each week and be able to bring home part of the book to share with others.

Highgate Crossroads Class Descriptions

Spring Session 2025 - March 10 to June 5 for Grades 4-6


-BEADS, BEADS, BEADS: Miss Brooklyn will have a variety of beading projects. You will be sure to have a beauty to take home with you!  Perler beads, bracelets, necklaces and more!

-DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (GR 5-6 ONLY): Mr. Landen, one of our teen leaders from MVU, guides the kids through super fun and wild role-playing adventures and the kids absolutely love it!

-MAGIC: THE GATHERING: This card game develops students' critical thinking, math, and reading skills in fun settings that foster friendships and social connection. This session will be geared towards teaching students how to play the game and how the rules of the game work.

-OPEN GYM: Join Mrs. Kiser for some fun team games in the gym. Get ready to exercise,  leaving you feeling refreshed and tired all at the same time.

-SEW WITH MS. STEPH: Try your hand at a variety of sewing projects. You are bound to have a ball while learning this skill with your friends.


-HIGHGATE ACTORS’ THEATER: Ms. Ernie will be ready for you yet again for another fantastic Spotlight Production!  Join and find out all the fun that can be had. MUST attend both Tuesdays and Thursdays.

-CREATE & BUILD: PROP PRODUCTION: Want to help Highgate Actors’ Theater with their Spotlight show?  You will work as a team to make the props for the entire show.  Bring your creativity and your helping hearts.


-IMAGINE & SOAR CHALLENGE (GR 5-6): Is there something at school you want to improve? What is missing in our community that you could help provide? Be a leader and create a project to make a difference according to your visions and dreams! The Doug Desorcie award will allow this fun to happen.

-JEWELRY MAKING: Ms. Steph will be taking suggestions for projects along the way, but her plans are so exciting for pieces you can wear for years to come.

-OPEN GYM: Come and get your energy out with Mr. Tyler in a variety of games.  In the nice weather we will take it outside too!

-STEM CHALLENGES: There will be some cool building challenges to complete in this class and experiments you will want to tell others about.  Bring your mind and your working hands and be ready to dig into some cool STEM activities.


-SPRINGY GOOD TIMES: Ms. Erin will have some games planned for those that choose to participate, plus reading, puzzles, coloring, and more.

-HIGHGATE ACTORS’ THEATER: Ms. Ernie will be ready for you yet again for another fantastic Spotlight Production! Join and find out all the fun that can be had. MUST attend both Tuesdays and Thursdays.


-JUNIOR IRON CHEF (GR 5-6): With Miss Nicole’s guidance, students will work as a team to create and perfect a delicious and healthy recipe.  We’ll take the cooking skills we learn along the way to compete against other teams from across Vermont. See if your recipe will be good enough to add to school menus throughout the state! FEBRUARY 15 - MARCH 29, 10AM - 12PM, no transportation provided.

24-25 Schedule:

SUMMER SESSION 2024: July 8th - August 9th (5 weeks)

FALL SESSION: September 9th - November 21st (11 weeks)

WINTER SESSION: December 2nd - February 20th (10 weeks)

SPRING SESSION: March 10th - June 5th  (12 weeks)